Search the ANT Database

Welcome to the searchable Attention Network Test database! Use this search form to query our extensive list of papers that have made use of the ANT and its derivatives. Search results can be exported for use in data analysis software.

Enter keywords to search for in the titles of papers. Avoid using terms like "a" or "and", which will return lots of unrelated results.

 Participant Age 

Select an age range for the participants, if one is required. Leave these fields blank if age is irrelevant to your search.

 Participant Count 

Select a range for the number of participants whose data were included in the study, if required. Leave these fields blank if sample size is irrelevant to your search.

 ANT Version 

Select any versions of the ANT you are interested in. Leave blank if you want data using all versions to be included in the search results.


Use this field to specify the region of interest for ANT data by entering a country, state, or city.